Best DSLR Cameras You Can Buy in 2024, Ranked

Best DSLRs Illustration

Given the sheer number of DSLR cameras, it can be difficult to select the one that is within your budget and offers every feature you require. Although many camera manufacturers are now putting all their effort into mirrorless cameras DSLRs have proven to be reliable and are still great tools, even into 2024. (To understand the reasons, read my mirrorless cameras vs DSLR camera review.) If you’re trying discover the ideal camera for you this list will provide you with the top DLSRs currently available. We also have a separate listing of the top mirrorless cameras for those who prefer that 🙂

This landscape photo is taken with the Nikon D800e, a DSLR camera released in 2012. Even though it is a relatively old DSLR, the high build quality and impressive features mean it is still an amazing camera today.

Remember that the information below is, by nature, a subjective list. There isn’t a “best” camera; but the one that is best for your specific needs and circumstance. I’ve also omitted price when rating these cameras to allow you to compare them in an equal playing field. Then, select the best option that is within your budget. One of the most appealing aspects about modern, camera systems is the fact that they’ve reduced the prices for used DSLRs to very low levels and you’ll find great deals on used models! This is the same for DSLR lenses.

Without further delay I present my top 5 choices for the top DSLRs of 2024. I have tested all of them myself.

1. Nikon D850

Nikon D850


This DSLR camera that gets the top position in my top 10 is the Nikon D850 and for a good reason. It is possibly the most refined in terms of technology and the most advanced DSLR that any camera manufacturer has ever created.

With the 45.7 MP full-frame, BSI sensor capable of capturing stunning detail and a wide dynamic range The Nikon D850 is a dream camera for architecture, landscape as well as studio photos. With a high-end autofocus, a good low-light autofocus, a continuous 7 FPS recording rate (extendable to 9 fps using the battery grip MB-D18) as well as excellent ISO performance, it’s the ideal camera for shooting wildlife and sports.

In terms of video Full-frame 4K video recording that is able to produce 4:2:2 uncompressed video over HDMI slow-motion video make this one of the most popular DSLRs ever made for videography. Additionally, additional features like tilting and focus stacking, a touch-enabled the LCD display screen with illuminated buttons integrated WiFi and Bluetooth as well as weather-proofed construction and dual slot cards show that Nikon utilized every feature it could to make the Nikon D850 the ultimate “do-it-all” versatile camera.

Chimney Rock Colorado. Captured with Nikon D850 DSLR
Photographed using the NIKON D850 + 24 120mm F/4G VR @50mm, ISO 64, 1 second, f/8.0

In the wake of Nikon D850 announced in August of 2017, you would believe that the camera was outdated at this point. But that’s not the situation. In fact, the Nikon D850 is so good that, even in 2023, it is still a contender or outperforms virtually every new mirrorless camera that is coming out. It took Nikon more than five years to beat that of the Nikon D850 in features, and they managed it using Nikon Z9, a Nikon Z9 Mirrorless Camera which costs $5500. (By contrast that Nikon D850 is selling new for $3,000 as well used for approximately 2000 dollars..)

2. Pentax K1 II

Pentax K1 II

The second most reliable DSLR camera I have ever used can be that of the Pentax K1 II. When I first started using the first Pentax K1, I knew that Ricoh had hit the mark with this camera. In terms of features, it checked all the boxes, and plus – its five-axis body image stabilization (IBIS) as well as its Pixel Shift which takes multiple photos to create a high-resolution picture, along with its Astrotracer feature that compensates automatically for the Earth’s rotation while taking photos of stars showed that it wasn’t only mirrorless cameras that brought cutting-edge technology to cameras.

While Ricoh offered only a few improvements on its Pentax K1 II, mostly focussing on the existing features but it’s one of the most powerful DSLRs in the market and offers a lot of value for the sub-$2K cost. The only issue I have with Pentax is its limited range of lenses available when compared the options offered by Nikon as well as Canon. However, Pentax is the only camera manufacturer the first choice for DSLRs over mirrorless cameras which means that the future may be bright if you choose the K1-II model or another Pentax DSLR.

Lake at Yellowstone National Park. Captured with Pentax K-1 DSLR
Photographed with PENTAX K-1 II and HD PENTAX D FA 24-70mm F2.8ED SDM RW @ 31mm ISO 100 6/10, f/5.6

3. Canon 5D Mark IV

Canon 5D Mark IV

While some photographers might wish to dismiss Canon DSLRs due to having lower dynamic range or less features compared with other DSLRs on the market, the vast majority photographers have never used Canon 5D series cameras before. Personally, I’ve photographed with every Canon 5D series DSLR since the 5D Mark II and I must say that I consider the cameras to be of top quality as well as very similar with their Nikon equivalents.

Sure, there are some differences in resolution and dynamic range between Canon and Nikon however, ultimately, the effectiveness of a camera cannot be determined by just only one or two of these factors. Other factors such as ergonomics, lenses, and reliability count just as well as does it is true that the Canon 5D Mark IV excels in all of these areas.

It has a 30.4MP sensor, it can deliver stunning image quality (even when shooting at high ISO) as well as an advanced feature-rich 61-point AF system and 7 FPS continuous shooting speed as well as 4K video recording built-in WiFi/GPS and a stunning Dual Pixel AF in Live View The Canon 5D Mark IV is an excellent tool for every degree of photography. Despite all the advances that we’ve seen with mirrorless cameras over the past several years, it’s difficult to locate a device that will focus as consistently in video shooting like it does with the Canon 5D Mark IV (and other Canon cameras that feature the Dual Pixel AF function). Canon has done it right. It’s a great camera. 5D Mark IV gets a an deserved top 3 spot here.

Colorado Fall Colors captured with Canon 5D Mark IV
Photographed using Canon EOS 5D Mark IV + the EF24-70mm F/4L IS USM @ 39mm, ISO 200, 1/4, f/8.0

4. Canon 5DS R

Canon EOS 5DS

Following the Nikon and Sony began releasing cameras that had 36 megapixels in the decade of 2010, many Canon photographers were very dissatisfied that Canon did not have an alternative camera for macro, landscape, studio or product photography, in which resolution is crucial.

As of 2015, Canon’s answer to this need was the 5DS and 5DS R cameras, which offered 50.6 MP resolution – higher than any other competitor to date. It is interesting to note that even in 2023 5DS / 5DS R cameras from Canon 5DS / 5DS R cameras offer higher resolution than just about every other full-frame camera currently available!

Although it is true that the Canon 5DS / 5DS R might not feature the latest video features like dual-pixel AF and 4K recording photographers who utilize this camera say that it’s not exactly what it was originally designed to be used for. Canon photographers who require a lot of resolution are still using their 5DS as well as the 5DS R without a problem. There is no reason to upgrade to a newer mirrorless camera as your DSLR is already way better than it!

Milky Way with the Moon, captured with Canon 5DS R
Captured using Canon EOS 5DS R + EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM @ 24mm, ISO 3200, 20 seconds, f/2.8

It is crucial to remember that the sole distinction among both the Canon 5DS and 5DS R is the low-pass filter. If you’re not likely to be photographing objects with intricate patterns (such as clothing items) I would suggest choosing that Canon 5DS R, as it produces slightly more detailed photos.

5. Nikon D780

Nikon D780

If you’re not looking for more than 36 MP of resolution and are looking for a balanced combination of features vs. price The Nikon D780 is one of the top cameras in this listing. Don’t let the ranking of #5 make you believe otherwise! It’s possible that it’s number 3 If resolution isn’t your top priority.

The D780 combines the best of DSLR and mirrorless camera worlds The D780 achieves a fantastic balance between features including resolution of the sensor and ergonomics, image quality an excellent autofocus system and price in the market of Nikon DSLRs. It’s among the most advanced cameras in this list and feels as “a mirrorless camera equipped with the optic viewfinder.” Autofocus is swift and precise in live view. The D780 is able to capture virtually every subject in a snap.

Personally, I’ve always been a huge admirer of Nikon’s mid-range models including the D750 or D780 as well as the Z6 or Z6 II mirrorless models. Although I did have a pair of D750s, they were replaced by Z6 Z6 mirrorless camera after it came out and have never thought about it again. Should I have kept my DSLR lenses, I would have picked the D780 instead.

Nikon D780 Abu Dhabi Mosque
Captured using NIKON D780 + Tamron 17-35mm f/2.8-4 @ 25mm, ISO 100, 1/400, f/9.0